Facebook is a really useful websites that shares thoughts ideas news and lots of other helpful messages/video.
Sometimes it may cause you to face cyber bullying, so Facebook can be a really nice website to use if you know how to use Facebook properly (knowing what to send and what not to send). Facebook can also be used for games, that you do not have to download but play for free.
People like to use Facebook because you can do multiple things like tagging someone,chatting, or even making a group that you have in personal to share your thoughts. Myspace is a similar to Facebook but Facebook is a lot safe. Anyone can use Facebook or log in by any email address, to have an account you must give some information about yourself at the sign up page, like you have to do in the sign-up page for Gmail.
If you are interested in sharing anything like a photo,video or anything else you can do that easily by clicking the "whats on your mind" button and then save your work there and then post it.
I hope you have fun if you ever use Facebook.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48_YIrTcQ0I&w=560&h=315]